Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
National TB Control Programme
Involvement of NGOs
Involvement of NGOs and Private practitioners in the National Tuberculosis Control Programme is of vital importance as a good proportion of patients seeks treatment from them. The programme encourages participation of NGOs/pps in programme implementation
An NGO policy has been formulated. Five different schemes for involvement of NGOs have been envisaged and NGOs are encouraged to apply for collaborating in the scheme with a view to foster effective community participation in the RNTCP. Depending on the capacity of the NGOs, their possible area of involvement can be
- Health education and community outreach
- Provision of directly observed treatment.
- In-hospital care for tuberculosis disease.
- Microscopy and treatment centre.
- TB Unit Model.
National Programme for Control of Blindness
National programme for Control of Blindness was launched in the year 1976 as a 100% centrally sponsored programme to reduce the prevalence of blindness from 1.4% to 0.3%.
Programme Objectives
- Develop Eye Care infrastructure throughout the country
- Increase institutional capacity for eye care
- Expand coverage to underserved areas
- Decentralization to district level
- Human Resource Development for Eye Care at all levels
- Improvement in quality of eye care for better visual outcome
- Secure participation of non-government and private sector.
- Construction of dedicated eye wards and operation theatres to provide primary eye care
- Supply of ophthalmic equipment’s and consumables
- Training of surgeons in IOL implantation and training of other support personnel
- GIA to NGOs for augmenting provision of eye care services, development of Eye Banks in Govt & voluntary sector
- School eye screening programme for detection and correction of refractive errors and
- IEC for public awareness on general eye care.
National Cancer Control Programme
Voluntary Organisations Scheme
- The scheme is for financial assistance up to Rs. 5.00 lakhs to the Voluntary Organisations for undertaking health education and early detection activities in cancer on the specific recommendations of the State Government as per proforma prescribed. The organization must prove to the effect that they are engaged in cancer control activities for the last 3 years.
- The schemes is for Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) are governed by the provision of GFR 148 to 151. The NGOs should be registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 and are charitable organizations. As per GFR 148, the institution must be registered under the relevant Act and have a registration certificate. It is to be ensured before forwarding their applications to this Ministry for grant-in-aid.
- Further, the institutions seeing grant-in-aid will be required to submit an application as per prescribed proforma which should enclose along with the Registration Certificate, Articles of Association, Bye-laws, Audited Statement of Accounts, Source and pattern of income and expenditure and the Annual Reports for the last three years.
- The Utilization Certificate in respect of each scheme where grant in-aid was released earlier is required to be submitted. State Government Institutions are to ensure that the Utilization Certificate along with the copies of the relevant audited accounts may please be enclosed for ready reference in each case.
Source: Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
Last Modified : 5/9/2023
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