Government of Chhattisgarh launched Mission Millet Chhattisgarh in September 2021 to become the Millet Hub of India. Its primary objective is to promote cultivation of Kodo millet, little millets and Finger millet in the State, with a focus on 85 Blocks in 20 Districts with the total budgetary allocation of Rs.170 Crores and input grant of Rs.9000 per hectare was decided5. Chhattisgarh Minor Forest Produce Co-operative Federation was appointed as the implementing agency for procurement and processing of millets in the State. Agreement between ICARI-IMR and 14 district administrations, for promotion of cultivation, procurement storage and processing into value added products, was signed in presence of Hon’ble CM on September 10th, 2021.
The millet cultivation has been on a downward trend due to promotion of wheat and paddy cultivation in State largely due to assured returns to farmers because of MSP, declining demand and lower yield due to poor seed quality, lack of training of farmers in good agricultural practices and modern technology. All these factors have made millet farming un-remunerative for the farmers.
Mission Millets Chhattisgarh was started under the theme of “Cultivation to Consumption”. It is a multi-pronged approach to improve the entire ecosystem of millets from cultivation to consumption, to attain the below mentioned objectives of making millets a profitable farming option for the farmers of the State.
The Mission Millets comprises the following components:
The program is still in its initial stages. It targets to increase the area under millet cultivation from 69,000 hectare to 1,88,400 hectare; increase the yield from 0.45MT/hectare to around 1MT/hectare and to increase per capita consumption of millets in the State.
Last Modified : 5/18/2024
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