Extremely severe cyclonic storm FANI caused massive devastation affecting 1.65 crore people, damaging 5 lakh houses and about 1,031 health facilities in 9 highly affected districts
The health systems emergency response activities were categorized into three components A) Pre-cyclone preparedness B) Alertness during cyclone involved functioning of 24X7 control rooms at all levels, deployment of medical team at cyclone shelters, immediate rescue operations and provisioning of dry food for 3 days. C) Post-cyclone health response-, utilisation of ASHAs and Gaon Kalyan Samitis (GKS) for community mobilisation and cleanliness drives, psycho-social counselling at community, active participation of all line departments and review mechanism at state and district level.
Strengthening emergency surveillance and establishment of early warning response system (EWARS) always pays dividend by preventing outbreaks and in turn saving lives.
UN Agencies, NIMHAN and NNF. NCDC, RMRC & WHO, Ministry of H&FW Department and Line Departments
According to “Damage, Loss and Need Assessment” report, the damage, loss and recovery cost including Building Back Better (BBB) estimated to be Rs. 469.8 crores for entire health sector.
Source : We Care Coffee Table Book - Good, Replicable and Innovative Practices 2019
Last Modified : 6/12/2021
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