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First Aid

First Aid

  • 108 Emergency Response Service
  • This topic covers about emergency services for medical, police and fire emergencies etc..

  • Basic life support techniques
  • This topic covers the basic life support techniques, Dos and Dont's etc..

  • Burns and scalds
  • Basic facts related to burn injuries and first aid to prevent the same are explained here

  • First Aid techiques for school children
  • This section provides information about First Aid techiques for school children developed by NDMA.

  • First Aid Tips
  • The topic provides information on first aid tips that each individual should know.

  • Frostbite
  • This topic explains about frostbite and the care to be taken when affected.

  • Health Tips for Heat wave conditions
  • This topic provides health tips to manage during heat wave conditions.

  • Key Messages for Prevention and Control of Snakebites
  • Provides information about Prevention and Control of Snakebites

  • What to do during an earthquake
  • This topic provides information about tips to remain safe during an earthqauke.

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