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Curb Noise Pollution

Curb Noise Pollution


Noise pollution has become a serious issue for the society. The World Health Organization (WHO) recognised noise as one of the key pollutants affecting public health. Major sources of noise pollution are transportation, trains and building construction, Industry, loudspeaker use, and community processions. Traffic related noise has been identified as major source of noise pollution world over. Noise from generators and music system can be equally hazardous.

Rising vehicular population and traffic has let to high level of noise in community. Noise barriers help reducing intensity and exposure of noise to acceptable levels, especially in sensitive areas like hospitals, educational institutions, old-age homes and religious institutions.

Simple precautions like playing music at low volume, avoiding needless honking, discouraging use of loudspeakers during weddings and festivities and maintenance of vehicle engines can reduce the unpleasant sound reaching our ears.


  • Don't use your TV, radio and music system at high volume.
  • Always maintain your motor vehicle in proper condition.
  • Don’t install Diesel Generator sets without prior approval of the competent authority.
  • Use Diesel Generator having an acoustic enclosure which gives a reduction of a minimum of 25dBA.
  • Avoid use of multi tune/power horns in your vehicle.
  • Use horn sparingly.
  • Do not honk near schools, hospitals or where The 'No Horn' sign is displayed.
  • Silencers for vehicles should be as per the manufacturing standards. No alterations may be permitted.
  • Minimize noise pollution during religious or festive occasions during marriage ceremonies and other domestic functions.
  • Religious processions should adhere to local Rules, with prior permissions respecting prescribed timings and volume.
  • Noise barriers may be installed to protect people against noise pollution, especially in residential areas, educational institutions, hospitals and government buildings like courts.
  • Loud speakers and loud music should not be used between 10 pm and 6 am.
  • Possible sources of noise must be handled in accordance with the requirements of the law.
  • Plant trees-Green belts and employ landscaping and all effective means to control noise pollution.

Source : Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change

Last Modified : 7/1/2024

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