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Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research (IGCAR), Kalpakkam

Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research (IGCAR), Kalpakkam

Established in the year 1971, Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research (IGCAR), Kalpakkam is a premier research institute of Department of Atomic Energy (DAE), dedicated to the development of robust fast reactor technology based on intense multi-disciplinary research.


The Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research (IGCAR), the second-largest establishment of the Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) next to Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC), Mumbai was set up at Kalpakkam, 80 km south of Chennai. This is part of the second stage of Indian Atomic Energy Programme, which is aimed at preparing the country for utilization of the extensive Thorium reserves and providing means to meet the large demands of electrical energy in the 21st century. IGCAR has also extended its expertise and facilities to other vital sectors including defence, space and other industries of India to develop techniques for reliable solutions to specialized problems.


To conduct a broad-based multidisciplinary programme of scientific research and advanced engineering development, directed towards the establishment of the technology of Sodium Cooled Fast Breeder Reactors (FBR) and associated fuel cycle facilities in the country. The mission includes the development and applications of new and improved materials, techniques, equipment and systems for FBRs, pursue basic research to achieve breakthroughs in Fast Reactor technology.

BARC Training School IGCAR Campus

The Training School is responsible for conducting the Orientation Course for Engineering Graduates and Science Post Graduates (OCES) training programmes of BARC Training School at IGCAR. The Training School at IGCAR made a humble beginning with twenty trainees in September 2006. The focus was to nurture young talents in order to meet the urgent and growing need of scientific human resources with the right training.

Presently, training is imparted in the following disciplines:

  • Chemical Engineering
  • Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering
  • Materials Science
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Nuclear Fuel Cycle Chemistry
  • Nuclear Reactor Physics

Majority of the courses are taught by best of the experts, most of them from IGCAR. Expertise available in reputed academic institutions like Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Madras and Anna University, Chennai are also utilized. Special lectures and visits to the laboratories form a part of the curriculum for the Trainee Scientific Officers (TSOs). As a part of the continuous mentoring exercise, evening interaction sessions with eminent personalities from India and abroad are organized at the Training School hostel. The training programme is conducted with a holistic perspective to nurture and shape the young talent towards taking up the challenges of the centre and the department.

The salient features of the Training School programme is to impart fundamentals and experience by practising professionals thus ensuring that implicit and tacit knowledge is shared and cultivated. Continuity of intake and training sets a chain reaction ensuring that trained manpower is available at all times. Security of a job to those selected for training ensures their commitment and new training programmes introduced ensure supply of expert manpower according to changing nature of the requirements of the department.

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Source: Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research (IGCAR), Kalpakkam

Last Modified : 6/11/2021

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