IIT-Professor Assisted Learning (IIT-PAL)
IIT-Professor Assisted Learning
IIT-Professor Assisted Learning (IIT-PAL) video lectures for Class XI and Class XII are prepared by IIT Professors/Subject Experts, with an aim to help students for better understanding of the subjects and to self-prepare for doing well in competitive exams and are telecasted on Human Resource Development Ministry's (now Ministry of Education) Swayam Prabha Channels. These videos can be accessed on Doordarshan DTH Channel 22.
IIT-PAL Features
IIT-PAL website, which is managed by a team of IIT Professors, has the following features:
- Video lectures are listed as per Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology syllabus topics of NCERT Class XI and Class XII classes, so that interested students can progressively learn each of the subject topics.
- Registered students can submit their topic wise doubts/questions/problems. A team of professors/experts at IIT-PAL will coordinate to find answers to these questions. Answers to selected questions will be posted in the website, that can be viewed by all registered students.
- Registered students may also request for a live interaction in specific topics. Once there are enough requests, a schedule of these live interaction sessions will be announced in the website, for specific registered students to attend the live session and interact live with the teacher through an online video platform.
Source: IIT-Professor Assisted Learning (IIT-PAL)
Last Modified : 3/6/2023
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