Stunted growth. Pale green to light yellow color (chlorosis) appearing first on older leaves, usually starting at the tips. Depending on the severity of deficiency, the chlorosis could result in the death and / or dropping of the older leaves.
Correction measure: Foliar spray of urea @1-2 % at fortnightly intervals
Symptoms appear on older leaves. The leaves are small and narrow with purplish or bronze discolouration. Leaves develop necrotic areas and fall off.
Correction measure: Soil application of phosphotic fertilizer or Foliar spray of DAP@2%.
Potassium symptoms appear first in older leaves having orange, yellow to pale green colour. Upper surface show reddish purple discoloration. Young leaves remain dark green. Leaves curl down and lose luster and turgidity.
Correction measure: Foliar spray of K2SO4 1% at fortnightly intervals
Young emerging leaves show chlorosis become pale green and curl down. Leaves later turn to greenish pink or red colour. The terminal shoot poorly developed.
Correction measure: Application of CaSO4 @ 2kg / tree/year
Fruit necrosis which begins with the browning of inner most part of the mesocarpic tissues at the time of endocarp hardening. This is extended towards the epicarp resulting into brownish black areas on the fruit surfaces depending of the severity of the disorde
Correction measure: Foliar spray of borax@0.5%
Plants show overall droopy appearance with shortened intervals between petiole. Size of leaves reduced.
Correction measure: Foliar spray of 1-2% CuSO4
Symptoms are first seen in the youngest leaves. The leaves eventually turn completely chlorotic.
Correction measure: Foliar spray of FeSO4@0.5-1.0%
Stunted growth narrowing of leaves with pale green or yellow color. Inter-veinal chlorosis starting from tip of leaflets and spreading to the remaining area leaving only the midrib green.
Correction measure: Foliar spray of ZnSO4 @ 0.5%
To know the IPM practices for Pineapple, click here.
Source: NIPHM and Directorate of Plant Protection, Quarantine & Storage
Last Modified : 2/13/2020
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