Uttar Pradesh is home to both those who were born there and those who chose to make it their homes. Workers have always migrated from and to Uttar Pradesh. So, when the Covid-19 pandemic struck the world with a ferocity that left everyone reeling, the state like others realized very quickly that it must come to aid of its citizens, especially the vulnerable ones.
Early on, and in fact even before the nationwide lockdown was imposed, Uttar Pradesh launched ‘Sewa Mitra’ on 12 March. The platform employs a multi-dimensional approach—it leverages technology as well as brick-and-mortar institutions to create better reach.
It is spearheaded by the Employment Directorate, which is under the Department of Labour. Mentioned below are some of its features:
Post data collection, the next step was to use the information to provide meaningful employment to these workers. For this purpose, the Sewa Mitra Platform operates in three modes:
Under this mode, login access has been given to almost 22,500 UP government officials, from the state to block level. After logging in with their credentials, every official can view the entire worker database under their jurisdiction. Thereafter, they can search for workers in any specific skill set and/or mark those who were provided work under any project or government scheme as well as the contract time period.
In this way, the platform provides real-time status of all workers employed by government departments. When the marked time period of the worker ends, they return to the pool and become available for re-employment.
Under this mode, login access was given to various industries and industry association such as FICCI, CII, etc., operating in and outside UP. The industries can access the entire database of workers in the state. They can also hire workers according to their requirements and mark them. The marked worker is removed from the pool for the specified contract period and is blocked for that particular industry. After the contract ends, the worker returns to the pool and becomes available for re-employment. During the employment period, if the industry is not satisfied with the worker or if the worker is unhappy, either can preemptively end the contract.
Under this mode, UP citizens can directly avail services of skilled workers. This mode operates in two ways:
Thereafter, they are allowed to directly provide services to citizens. Workers can be booked either through the Sewa Mitra app or website, or by physically approaching the Common Service Centre in a village.
In these ways, the platform generates employment for skilled workers, while at the same time enables citizens and industries to connect with the kind of service providers they are looking for. It also allows the state government to monitor real-time employment opportunities generated in the informal sector.
The data and reports from the platform can also help policymakers decide various social security measures for such workers, which can then be implemented via Sewa Mitra itself as it already has all the requisite details, including banking details for any direct benefit transfer (DBT) if needed.
There are plans to integrate this platform with the Skill Development Mission so that real-time opportunity for upskilling and reskilling remains available to skilled workers and they can achieve proper certification for their skill sets.
Since its launch, Sewa Mitra has been a hit. Several skilled workers were provided employment by various industries. Many unskilled workers got employment under MGNREGA and nearly 80,000 provided skill training. After skilling and certification, workers enjoy a premium on the platform. Print advertisements, social media and the district administration have ensured awareness about the platform. It was due to a combined effort that in a span of only four months, the platform boasted a database of over 50 lakh skilled workers, a performance of over 3 lakh jobs and many more in pipeline.
Source : Empowering Migrant Workers through Skill Development and Livelihood Generation
Last Modified : 7/6/2021
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