Tamil Nadu Government has launched the Tamil Nadu Startups and Innovation Policy 2018-2023 to foster entrepreneurship and innovation ecosystem in the state with Entrepreneurship Development and Innovation Institute (EDII) as the nodal agency.
The Tamil Nadu Startup and Innovation Mission (TANSIM) has been established under Section 8 of the Companies Act, 2013, under the Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) Department, Government of Tamil Nadu with a mandate to implement the Tamil Nadu Startup and Innovation Policy 2018-2023 and is being branded as StartupTN.
The policy aims to provide an enabling, innovative ecosystem in Tamil Nadu by nurturing and supporting startups. By implementation of the policy, it is envisaged that Tamil Nadu will emerge as the “Knowledge Capital” and “Innovation Hub” of the country. It will also attract entrepreneurs and investors across the globe.
To make Tamil Nadu a Global Innovation Hub and the most preferred destination for Startups by 2023.
To create, support and nurture a vibrant startup ecosystem in Tamil Nadu resulting in innovation and entrepreneurship driven employment and economic growth, facilitating creation of at least 5000 startups including 10 global high growth startups by 2023.
For more details, visit StartupTN
Source: StartupTN
Last Modified : 9/27/2021
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