The National Board for Higher Mathematics (NBHM) was set up by the Government of India under the Department of Atomic Energy (DAE), in the year 1983, to foster the development of higher Mathematics in the country, to formulate policies for the development of Mathematics, help in the establishment and development of mathematical centres and give financial assistance to research projects and to doctoral and postdoctoral scholars. NBHM functions essentially autonomously framing its own budget taking into account the funds made available by DAE.
NBHM usually meets twice a year, to discuss its programs and various proposals received from its board members as well as from mathematicians all over the country. It has six sub-committees,
They consider proposals, throughout the year, for financial support for varied mathematical activities, from institutions and individuals. Decisions of NBHM are based on the recommendations of these committees.
NBHM undertakes various activities to identify and nurture talent among students, supports studies at various levels through scholarships and fellowships, etc. NBHM also has a series of programs to train students in Mathematics.
Mathematics Olympiad activity is run in collaboration with the Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education, Mumbai. It has been one of the NBHM's major initiatives since 1986. One main purpose of this activity is to support mathematical talent among high school students in the country. The NBHM has taken on the responsibility of selecting and training the Indian team for participation in the International Olympiad every year. While the NBHM coordinates and supports Olympiad contests all over the country, regional bodies, mostly voluntary, play an important role in different stages. For the purpose of administering Olympiad contests, the country has been divided into 16 regions. A regional coordinator is responsible for conducting these tests in each region.
Stages of Mathematics Olympiad
Every year the faculty of the IMO training camp selects about 20 students of Class XII, from the senior batch who have shown a special interest in Mathematics for participation in the Nurture Program of NBHM. Any of these students formally pursuing Mathematics at the undergraduate level (B.A./B.Sc. or an integrated M.A./M.S. course) is entitled to a monthly scholarship from NBHM. Selected students may participate in the Nurture Program even if they choose not to pursue a formal program in Mathematics at the undergraduate level.
The Nurture Program is of four-year duration. Each batch of students is assigned to a faculty of active research mathematicians. The faculty devises a syllabus for the students for each academic year and also guides them with proper references. The faculty also keeps in touch with the students through post. At the end of a year, the students are called for a contact program with the faculty for three to four weeks. During this period the faculty arranges lectures on diverse topics and clears specific difficulties of the students. In addition, they are given tests to assess their progress. Based on the performance of the student the faculty decides on whether the student should/should not continue in the program. In case of the students who are not pursuing a formal undergraduate program in Mathematics, the faculty also recommends whether the student can be offered an annual scholarship in the next year. After the completion of four years in the program, the students are awarded certificates. It is envisaged that the mathematical scholarship of these students will be on par with or superior to that of most M.Sc. Mathematics degree holders in the country.
Mathematics Training and Talent Search Program (MTTS) is the most popular undergraduate/graduate training program in Mathematics running in India. It conducts workshops of duration from 1 week to 4 weeks throughout the year in different locations in India. The students are selected from the region of the program or from the national level depending on its aims. The MTTS Trust is formed for conducting these programs. It also conducts teacher training programs titled Pedagogical Training for Mathematics Teachers (PTMT) and other academic discussions benefitting a large class of mathematicians in India.
The emphasis in Advanced Training in Mathematics (ATM) Schools is on learning Mathematics by doing it. IIT Bombay and Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR) have jointly established the National Centre for Mathematics (NCM) in 2011. The instructional schools and workshops which were earlier planned by an NBHM committee on ATM Schools are now being organised under the supervision of the Apex Committee of the NCM. The objective is to organize quality schools which help researchers and teachers and learn advanced Mathematics in an enjoyable way.
Undergraduate Scholarships
NBHM provides scholarships for undergraduate studies at some select institutions.
Master’s Scholarships
Attractive scholarships have been instituted for outstanding students with an aptitude for research, studying for the Master’s Degree in Mathematics or Statistics. The selection for awarding these scholarships is done on the basis of written tests/interviews. Advertisements inviting applications for these scholarships normally appear in July in leading newspapers.
Ph.D. Scholarships
Students possessing Master's degree in Mathematics, Physics or Statistics and wishing to take up research work in any branch of Mathematics (including Mathematical Statistics and Mathematical Physics) leading to a Ph.D. degree are eligible to apply for the Ph.D. scholarships awarded by NBHM.
Postdoctoral Fellowships
Every year, NBHM offers postdoctoral fellowships to selected young mathematicians who have completed their Ph.D. degree in Mathematics. The postdoctoral fellowships (PDF) are intended for mathematicians below the age of 35 who have a doctoral degree or equivalent published research work. Persons who have submitted their dissertations for a Ph.D. degree are also eligible to apply.
Teacher Fellowship
Teacher fellowships are offered to teachers in a college or a university department who are working towards their Ph.D. in Mathematics and have already made some progress in that direction. They are offered for a maximum period of three years.
The NBHM has various schemes to provide financial support to institutions and individuals to strengthen the mathematical base/potential through study, exchange or other such programs.
Financial Support to Libraries
The NBHM operates a scheme to extend financial support to the libraries of various Universities and Institutions. The following libraries have been identified by the NBHM as Regional Libraries:
These Regional Libraries are expected to cater to the needs of the region in which they are located and are open to mathematicians of the region for consultation and inter-university borrowing. Photocopying facilities are available at these libraries at nominal costs. In addition to the regional libraries, Mathematics departments of several universities receive grants of varying amounts from NBHM. The departments desirous of receiving grants may apply to NBHM on the prescribed form obtainable from the office of NBHM.
NBHM has constituted five Regional Committees to represent different regions and recommend grants to libraries from their respective regions. The regions and their jurisdiction are listed below:
The libraries receiving grants from NBHM are expected to extend their facilities to research workers of the neighbouring universities. The level of the grants is reviewed periodically.
Complimentary Book Distribution Scheme
Under the complementary book distribution scheme, NBHM supplies selected books to Mathematics/Statistics departments of universities, institutes, and postgraduate centres. Currently, over 200 libraries catering to postgraduate institutions are enlisted under the scheme. Departments or Libraries desirous to benefit from the scheme may write to the coordinator of the scheme for details. On an average, NBHM distributes 5-10 books each year.
Visiting Professorship
NBHM provides funds to university departments and other institutions for inviting eminent mathematicians from within India or abroad for lectures, joint work, and other academic activities. Proposals for this may be submitted by mathematicians working in the institution of higher learning and should be endorsed by the heads of the department and the institution.
Organising Conferences
NBHM provides financial assistance for holding national and international conferences/ workshops/seminars.
Instructional Schools
NBHM organizes instructional schools periodically in areas of Mathematics of current interest. The aim of such schools is to expose mathematicians as well as young students working for their Ph.D. degrees to these areas of Mathematics. The proposals for these schools need to be submitted in a given proforma and must the following information:
The school is expected to last for three to four weeks. All expenses towards TA/DA for participants and speakers are borne by NBHM according to Government norms.
Research Projects
NBHM provides assistance for selected research projects on the recommendations of the Research Programs Committee of NBHM. Applications in prescribed forms obtainable from the office of NBHM have to be submitted well in advance.
Travel Support
NBHM provides partial or full travel assistance to mathematicians for attending conferences, symposia, and summer schools, etc. within the country or abroad.
Short Term Visits
NBHM provides assistance to teachers to make short-term visits of at least six weeks and maximum of six months duration to another institution in India for joint work etc. The assistance provided is limited to prevailing rates for daily allowance and travel expenses limited to II class A.C. Sleeper Train Fare. Applications for this must be accompanied with permission of the employing institution and that of institution/department to be visited along with a detailed Curriculum Vitae and a statement of purpose of the visit. The application should reach the NBHM office six months before the proposed date of visit.
Apart from the various regular activities NBHM endeavours to promote Mathematics in India, at the advanced level, through various special programs.
Special Centres
NBHM is currently providing substantial support on a continuing basis to the following centres:
Development of more centres is under consideration of the Board.
Ramanujan Professorship
NBHM has instituted a visiting professorship in the name of Srinivasa Ramanujan effective from 1989. Under the scheme, NBHM may invite an eminent mathematician to visit India for a period of at least two months and up to four months. The visitor, under the scheme, is to be offered first class airfare from his/her place of residence to India and back. The Ramanujan Professor is expected to visit different mathematical centres in the country and deliver lectures even while he/she will be principally in residence at one institution in the country. The professor will be provided accommodation wherever necessary at the expense of NBHM.
Panorama Lectures
The role of Mathematics in every human endeavour has been increasing rapidly over the last several decades. And Mathematics itself has grown at a tremendous pace over these years. It is important that our mathematical community keeps pace with these developments. Members of the community and students need exposure to these fast developments. The Mathematical Panorama Lectures is a series of short courses on diverse mathematical topics planned by NBHM to meet this need. The courses are to be given by outstanding experts in the different fields at suitable venues in different metros. Many of them will be arranged in Bangalore with the cooperation of the Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bengaluru. Each course will attempt to take its audience through a mathematical topic of current interest beginning from some basic material and leading up to some relatively recent developments in the field. The courses will provide opportunities for mathematicians to get acquainted with areas with which they are not familiar, and also serve as introductions to these areas to students and research scholars. NBHM expects these courses to encourage the spread of wide scholarship in Mathematics in the mathematical community, especially among the up-coming generation of talented youngsters. It is also proposed to video record the lectures and make them accessible from various websites. The first in the series was delivered by Prof. S. Ramanan.
Last Modified : 4/12/2021
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