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Overview of the West Sikkim District

Overview of the West Sikkim District

West Sikkim lies between 27°-27°55″ North latitudes and 88°-88°36″ East Longitudes.Here rainy season extend from may to november and recorded in the past 100 cm of rainfall in august.The district is a favourite for the trekkers due to the high elevations. Here economy is mainly agrarian, despite most of the land being unfit for cultivation owing to the precipitous and rocky slopes.

West Sikkim is the second largest district in the Indian state of Sikkim with an area of 1,166 sq km. The headquarters of the district is at Gyalshing, also known as Geyzing.The town is connected to the capital Gangtok by a metalled road. Geyzing is also connected to the West Bengal towns of Darjeeling and Kalimpong via Jorethang. The town has a large Nepali population, and the Nepali language is the predominant language of the region.The other language spoken here are Bhutia, Lepcha, Limbu, Newari, Rai, Gurung, Mangar, Sherpa, Tamang,Sunwar etc. The town is situated at an altitude of about 6,500 feet (1,900 m). The town enjoys a temperate climate for most of the year and snow sometimes falls in the vicinity. Other important towns include Pelling,Yuksom and Dentam. The district shares its borders with South Sikkim and North Sikkim in the east and north respectively and with the state of West Bengal in the south. It also has an international border with Nepal to its west.


Agriculture in hill states had always been a challenge the world over. The technological interventions added during the last five decades which have changed the face of agriculture in many developed and developing countries tremendously, failed to change the scenario in the hills. Due to physiographic and geographic reasons they were either inaccessible or unaffordable to the people or they were not suitable to the complex hill ecosystems. This led to the thinking of an alternative system best suited to these hilly terrains.


General Information

Sl.No Particulars Details
1  Area  116600 Hectors
Population  136,435 (2011 Census) 

Max : 17-27 degree C

Min : 02-21 degree C 

Annual Rainfall  162.5 cms 
Seasonal clothing 

Summer - Light cotton

Winter - Woollen

Rainy - Warm light cotton 

Summer Season  April to June
Rainy Season  July to September 
Winter Season  October to March 
No. of Sub Division 
10 No. of Towns 2

Last Modified : 12/13/2023

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